Natural Knee Rescue
What would you start doing again
if your knees didn't hurt?
Rescue your knees with a proven diet and lifestyle transformation
program to guide you back to health and pain-free mobility.
How Do I Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery?
Your doctor says losing weight will help reduce pain and take the pressure off your knees. You want to avoid surgery. But the scale is stuck and you're frustrated.
Natural Knee Rescue is a proven program designed to help you:
Create Sustainable Change
Reprogram your daily habits and mindset so you'll never experience weight gain rebound again.
Strengthen Your Knees
Combine diet, exercise, lifestyle changes, and supplements to naturally strengthen your knees.
Get Accountability
Join a community of like-minded trailblazers sharing resources and passion.
Want Lasting Results?
Join The Natural Knee Rescue Program.
"This program is designed to create lasting change by shifting your mindset and habits."
-Michelle Stiles, Physical Therapist
Includes an anti-inflammatory diet guide & strengthening exercises (that won't hurt on already hurting knees).
True Change Happens Making Small Steps Over Time. Your Daily Check-Ins Coach You Through Mindset Shifts And Formulating Healthier Habits.
Each month, you'll have two coaching calls with a physical therapist. Plus a bonus private Facebook group to connect with others in the program.
Is The Natural Knee Rescue Program Right For you?
This proven method has helped thousands ...
Chronic Knee Pain Is An Early Warning Sign Of Other Disease
What most people don’t realize is that chronic knee pain is associated with low grade inflammation throughout your whole body, putting you at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, Alzheimers, obesity and cancer. In reality, you are aging too fast.
Addressing your chronic knee pain with diet and lifestyle changes is the ultimate WIN, WIN!
Not only will you improve the health and function of your knee but you’ll lower your risk for other chronic health conditions that usually go hand in hand with knee pain.
What Do Surgeons Have To Say?
Even Orthopedic surgeons acknowledge that diet and lifestyle are vital to knee health
What Others Are Saying About The Natural Knee Rescue Program
Age 56, lost 51 lbs
"I love that I can wear a two-piece swimsuit. I love eating right and not wanting to kick myself for overeating unhealthy food. I love that I’m buying size 6 instead of 14. And I love especially love running into people I haven’t seen in a while and hearing ‘Wow! You look great! And so much younger!’”"
Age 34, lost 51 lbs
“I didn't use to tak time to appreciate my body, and the last 15 years ,u weight has been up and down. I knew when I started Precision Nutrition that it would be the last thing I tried. I feeel like i'm at my best right now-it was a year of fun, excitement, change, and triumph.”
Ready to Go Straight To The Surgery?
Don't Waste Precious Time or Effort Recovering!
Help yourself to a speedy and minimally painful knee replacement recovery. This easy-to-follow book is the result of 25 years of clinical physical therapy experience.
Avoid the 5 major pitfalls that ensnare most knee replacement patients and use the system that leads you on an accelerated path of recovery safely with the least amount of pain.
Just Need A Humorus Gift For A Friend?
Color and Laugh Your Way To Recovery!
More than 20 full-page cartoon illustrations by expert illustrator Dave Allred, that kneereplacment patients are sure to love. Irreverenetly funny, the cartoons keep paitents laughing while the coloring creates a distraction from the discomfort and sheer tedium of knee replacement recovery.
Each full-page illustration depicts a humorous scenario that is timely and rrelevant for patients and caregivers alike. Illustrations are printed on one side for removal and display if desired.
Great knee replacement gift idea for colleagues, family members and friends setting out on their own knee replacement journey.
Want To Get Started on Natual Knee Rescue Today?
Get My FREE Natural Knee Rescue Cheatsheet and Training
The Critical Element Fueling Pain and How to Reduce It.
Most calorie reduction diets fail to address this critical issue and produce less than stellar results.
The Elements Of An Effective Weight Loss Diet.
An effective weight loss diet is not about meal plans, juice fasts, or micromanaging all your food intake by counting calories.
What an Accelerator Margin Is and Why You Need One.
Most diet and lifestyle changes fail because they don't create enough of a threshold for noticable change.
The Best and Worst Foods for Chronic Knee Pain.
Don't know what foods you should load up on or which foods to avoid to reduce chronic knee pain? Get answers today.
Get the Knee Rescue Cheatsheet
The six essential elements of weight loss for chonic knee pain!
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