
Media Covers Up CDC Whistleblower Story?

Since the main stream media will not cover the CDC Whistleblower story, which has to be the largest fraud story of the year, I feel it is essential that everyone help to get this story out, including TotalKneeReplacementRecovery.net.

In a bombshell admission, A CDC scientist claims that he was among several scientists that knowingly published fraudulent data in a study that many have used to prove no relationship exists between the onset of the administration of the  MMR vaccine and the development of autism.

In fact the actual data secured proved the opposite-early administration of the MMR Vaccine increased autism in african american babies by 340%.  The researchers were pressured by higher levels of government within the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to omit certain data from the study sample that changed the outcomes of the study.  Later all scientists received awards given by the Health and Human Services agency

Here are three excellent articles that go into more details found at NaturalNews.com

Please share and tweet this information to all that you know

BREAKING: CDC whistleblower confesses to MMR vaccine research fraud in historic public statement

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Bombshell email from CDC whistleblower reveals criminality of vaccine cover-up as far back as 2002

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Media conspiracy to bury CDC whistleblower story protects vaccine makers at the expense of human life

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Michelle, PT
Michelle, PT

Michelle Stiles called "the no nonsense" therapist, by her patients, created a company called Cowboy Up Recovery after recognizing the bankruptcy of the present medical model. Too many people regard conventional medical wisdom as gospel, ignoring the subversive influences of Big Pharma and Big Medicine. She believes, Americans in general are being trained from an early age to defer to experts in numerous areas of life and losing the impulses for self-responsibility and self-reliance in the process. Over-diagnosis and over-medicating has become endemic. While thankful for the best miracles of modern medicine, she encourages people of all persuasions to listen to their bodies and seek out answers to maintain not just an absence of disease but optimal health. Her advice is: Cowboy Up, no one cares more about your health than you do.

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